This blog is about my life. How I live it with the people I love. Adventures and misadventures in my life is journalled here.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Birthday celebration preps

The little boy is turning four on Monday and he is very excited about it. He'd attended a little too many parties of his classmates that he can't wait for his turn.

No extravagant celebration as the school discourages it (to avoid inggitan). Simple celebration only during their snack break. The little boy initially wanted a Thomas the Train themed party, unfortunately, looks like I still have to buy the party things in the US as we did not see anything available here. Good thing the little boy agreed for a Disney Pixar's Cars theme. We bought the following this morning in Toy Kingdom, Megamall:

1. Paper plates:

2. Paper cups:

3. Plastic lootbag:

4. Cone hats:

5. Inflatable balloons

I made a really simple invitation, see sample below:

Then I'll order a Cars themed cake from Ria. A sample of the cake shown below, got from her webshots album.

Tomorrow, I'll be heading to Landmark to buy the loots.

1 comment:


wow! party planning ka na sis!!! post pics okay :)